Tag: painting
Why are Dwarf Pirates cool?
They just Aaarrrr!
Converted Dwarf Pirate, put together a number of years ago from an old Warhammer Fantasy Battles Dwarf Slayer, with a little green stuff work...
Tau... berserker...?
"We dunno where 'e came from, or what 'e iz. Found 'im inna desert wiv a crack onnis noggin. 'E tried t'brain Lugnutz wiv a rock, and only stopped when a couple o'the ladz sat on 'im. Dey keeps him around fa' luck, like a mascot, sorta fing. 'E's zoggin useless inna scrap, but by Mork 'e's a savage little blighter."
A quick and fun little conversion for a forum painting competition - theme was "More then meets the eye". Paintjob was a little rushed, but its fun to do something totally outside the box sometimes...
Painted just for fun a few years back. One of my all-time favourite GW models.