Epirian force for Maelstrom’s Edge V2

A few weeks back, Spiral Arm Studios published some sample force lists for the V2 Maelstrom’s Edge rules. These got me a little inspired to put together a new force for myself, and so I dove into the unbuilt model pile and put together 120 points based on the Epirian sample list.

120 point Epirian force
120 point Epirian force

Check them out on the Maelstrom’s Edge gallery page!

STL Release: Heavy Gauss Cannon for classic Destroyers

The original metal Necron Destroyer models didn’t come with any options – they were just a Necron in a comfy chair, with a Gauss Cannon strapped to the armrest. I decided my classic Necrons needed some heavier firepower, so I sculpted myself a Heavy Gauss Cannon. After a little testing and refining, this is now available for free in the STL Downloads section.

Note that this is not a complete model, just the weapon. You will need the original metal Necron Destroyer model to carry the cannon.